I don't have much going poem-wise. I'm prepping two books right now, my collection of stories that will be out soonish, and my novel (endlessly), whose ending I'm rewriting and whose polishing will take forever if I let it. It's been two years now since I 'finished' it. I hope it's worth doing. Anyway, as promised, a poem I've probably linked before, from Girls with Insurance . How Terror Might Work for John Smith, IT Guy With the formless voices that bitch in his ear! Instructions: cap your appearance off with a balaclava. No one but the people on the mask's other side will know. True terror does not require identity revelation; otherwise one might set goals for vengeance in one's yearly situation report. This year was very poor for Terror Investors LLC: little Jimmy from next door escaped our 23-hour-vigil, lived to ram candy into sister Suzy's cute dark hair; Mama had to cut it off. George at the office moved to a corn...
Like the title says.