She is Forgetting Him Steve says his wife often comes into their bedroom and says "Where's Steve?" And he says to her. "I'm here love. We've been married forty years." And she says, "Of course you are. We have." And she laughs. "How did we first get together?" At the end of the next day, when they've been out to the shops and visiting old friends she'll say, "What have we done today, Steve?" And she remembers none of it. At mealtimes she picks up her knife and fork and holds them very close to her glazed eyes. Holds them like javelins to eat her meal. (II) You've stolen them. Haven't you?" "Stolen what, love?" "You know what. Look?" She shows him her fingers, and he sees they are no longer fat but thin to the bone. "Come on,love. They must have dropped off. I'll help you look for them
Like the title says.