Netflix and Chill We used to know the best restaurants and everybody in them. We knew every party and everyone knew our names. Now we sit and watch the newborn as if his crib were a TV we can reach into and feel the warm pressure of new stories grabbing hold. And just that is so much bigger than anything until now. That me before this is someone I know, I remember, but not me. I expected to grow into this role. Instead a moment ticked by and the software had changed. Every thought is now a father’s thought. And this is just a tease to what it must have been for you. Thread by thread building in you, tearing through you while all I could do was wait, absorbed in all I couldn’t do. And now this little creature plugs into you, feeds from you. Our lives’ spin-off. Months later, while I video his first bites of mashed banana, as you hold him in your arms you’ll cry for this beginning, this end. When I ask, looking through my screen, if you’re crying, I’ll hear that I’m...
Like the title says.