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Showing posts from September, 2016

Michael McInnis

From Up on the Row of Garage Roofs We Threw Broken Shingles Down at the Cops my mother heard my description over the scanner I told her I had never seen Orion brighter, but Kahoutek looked like a dirty smudge in the rake of blue light. Michael McInnis lives in Boston and served in the Navy chasing white whales and Soviet submarines. His poetry and short fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Chiron Review, The Commonline Journal, Cream City Review, Naugatuck Review, Oxford Magazine and Yellow Chair Review to name a few.

Heidi Blakeslee

My Roots of Loneliness my mother's favorite thing to do with us when we were little kids was to dump us off at someone else's house or leave us with a babysitter in the summers, when we had off she would take us to a park in Conneautville in sweltering heat and leave us there all day with some sort of poorly-run situation for low-income families we would eat a bag lunch consisting of a sandwich, a piece of fruit and a carton of chocolate milk it wasn't all bad i learned to play chess there, and sometimes I would make a friend for a day we would walk the block or so away to go to the library but i remember spending the majority of the days waiting for my mother to pick us up in the minivan for her to love us and be with us however briefly Heidi Blakeslee lives and writes in Ambridge, Pa.  She has been published in many chapbooks, zines, and newsletters over the years.  She also has two poetry books, "The Empress of Hou...

Scott Wozniak

Sweat to Live Today I was at work shoveling dirt, moving wheelbarrows and carrying cinder blocks from here to there.   During all this I realized I will most-likely never receive easy money for my poems.   Then I thought of the one word, Yamrus poem, “Endure,”   and how he’d summed up my whole life. Scott Wozniak is a poet and chaos enthusiast who's work has been widely published both online and in-print. Most recently, he was featured in the Lummox #5 Anthology. Also, look for his work in the Svensk Apache Press anthology, due out this fall. You can follow him on twitter @sewozniak.