mike the pilot drinks at the catch-22 bar his face is cherub red and pock-marked a w.c. fields tribute of abuse his belly has grown to a tank of cheap beer it’s been eleven years many a blurry night between us but i recognize him anyway even if he’s not clad in a white short-sleeved shirt with those striped patches on his shoulders the wings pinned crooked on his breast all day on the new york to chicago run all evening taking up a stool at rooney’s pub soused enough to make me think twice about every commercial flight i took mike the pilot drinks at the catch-22 bar with a woman who looks twenty years younger than him looks disappointed and bored as she sits there picking at a bowl of pretzels watching his head bob up and down a man starving for slumber more than conversation and alcohol like mike was never the man who took mona on the men’s room sink and make her cum so hard that it broke right off its hinges and cracked in half on the sticky, piss-
Like the title says.