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Showing posts from December, 2010

New Review of Redneck Poems

From The Legendary : You'd never guess, gazing upon the cheerful monarch butterflies gracing the cover and many of the pages, that this is a treasure full of personal depths, mountain landscapes, and trapped moments. Rusty Barnes manages to surprise even us, and we were already fans . I'll have better, less self-promotional posts soon, I promise. It's the holidays, and I can barely keep up.

Redneck Poems Reviewed

Redneck Poems reviewed by  Rene Schwiesow at Boston Area Small Press and Poetry Scene: Edge. Rusty Barnes work will walk you out to the edge, ask you to look over, and consider whether you feel your stomach drop or your eyes water as you read. This is the real thing. Barnes grew up in rural Appalachia and his words are shot through with those Appalachian roots. Barnes creates an image that arouses all the senses in the opening of “When the Wrong Words Get Said:" More :

Poem Draft

I can't remember whether I posted this one or not. I generally hate dislike intensely poems that are so obvious. This one has something at the end that needs more exploration, I think, but it's tough to find energy to work on it because it's so obvious. It'll disappear in a few days. *poof

More on my Paul Blackburn Obsession

Paul Blackburn and Lee Byrd I'm officially and permanently obsessed.  Now I want to know where the criticism is. Shouldn't a poet of Blackburn's status and lifework have more written about him? If you, any of you reading, can give me links or info about articles of books, I'd really appreciate it. Blackburn at Wikipedia EPC/Blackburn Jacket 12/Blackburn Modern American Poetry Poets Path/Blackburn Burt Kimmelman on The Journals Blackburn papers UC San Diego Blackburn reading The Old Days Blackburn reading at Bard Google Books Poem of the Cid PennSound Blackburn Readings Joe Hall discusses The Journals