Welcome to Live Nude Poems, an online journal of poetry edited by Heather Sullivan and Rusty Barnes, two poets with time on their hands and the desire to do good. Please send 3-5 poems to livenudepoems@gmail.com. We hope to have new content three times per week and we accept submissions on a rolling basis. We cannot pay except in gratitude.
In trying to sum up what our aesthetic at Live Nude Poems will be, we are drawn to the idea and function of poetry. In our opinion, we’ve always believed that poetry must serve a purpose – to enlighten, to explain and by doing so, bring a greater understanding of self. We have a job to do as poets, even if only to better know our own humanity. We're certainly not here to argue what art is or why we write. We write because we have to, and the work is unique to each of us. Knowing that, we would like to showcase poetry that breathes and presents moments in time, work that helps us understand you, tells a story, changes the reader--if only for a second.
Well, Rusty, I'll send you some recent work...