Don’t Want
Air Sickness
is a walk in the park
compared to
withdrawal, they say
we are free to
move, to fall
about the cabin.
I have a nightmare
I meet her boyfriend
while standing in line at the Walgreens pharmacy;
he lets me know in low, burning tones
the way she likes it,
the way it was going
to stay, he said, lightly gripping
my elbow like a prison guard
leading a skel
back to his cell. “she makes me
crazy enough to bust a motherfucker,”
he says, “and you don’t want that, you don’t
want it here, right?” I shake my head, then
nod, as my turn comes
at the Walgreens
the pharmacist slides my package
across the counter. We hit it, that
turbulence, more and more
turbulence, yet the woman
in question stays right there,
in my mind,
a kind of living grief in bas relief;
then I’m back
on the plane. We continue
our climb.
I whisper
to the flight attendant
struggling in the aisle,
as she’s swaying there,
with a tight-lipped
smile and her tray of drinks. I say,
listen, I say, listen I don’t want
this anymore.
Dennis Mahagin is a writer and musician from Montana.
His poems have appeared in magazines such as Exquisite
Corpse, Juked, Thrush Journal, DecomP, Oddball, Unlikely
Stories, 3 A,M., Stirring: A Literary Collection, and previously at Live Nude Poems. Dennis has published two poetry books:Grand Mal, from Rebel Satori Press, and Longshot & Ghazal, from Mojave River Press. Dennis is the poetry editor for Frigg Magazine. He runs a music store in a town called Deer Lodge.
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