Lightning Within
inside vast towering
lightning erupts sharp,
illuminating massive
ethereal bulk
as though
concealing tesla coils
deep within
their wet recesses
the nervous
electric flashes
of a mad
scientist’s laboratory
in a black and
white horror
film flickering out
of the 1930s –
we fly west, level
with heaven,
as though we
were equals -
behind me and
far below
my mother is
finally in
the ground next
to my father
after waiting
over 40 years
to have a date carved
in stone
she joins him in
death at last
having been the devoted,
loyal widow the
whole time
mourning him
than she ever
had him -
outside the
airliner window
the lightning
doesn’t stop
it keeps
cracking the sky
we simply fly
past it
racing the
sunset west
set from the
start to lose
M.J. (Michael Joseph) Arcangelini was born 1952 in western
Pennsylvania, grew up there & in Cleveland, Ohio. He’s resided in northern California since
1979. He began writing poetry at age 11. His work has been published in little magazines, online
journals, over a dozen anthologies and four poetry collections: the full
length “With Fingers at the Tips of My Words” 2002, from Beautiful Dreamer
the chapbooks “Room Enough” 2016, and “Waiting for the Wind to Rise” 2018, both
from NightBallet Press; the full length “What the Night Keeps” 2019, from Stubborn Mule Press He maintains an
occasional blog of prose and poetry at
He has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
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