You can replace things
an alternator, a starter
but the real skill is in diagnosis
you have to keep learning
have a passion for it
I’m passionate about passion
but don’t have much left
I drink tea, play the guitar
the chord progressions are different
but somehow all the same
the finger picking patterns
never progressed
At work it’s the same thing
I know what I learned
in the first two years
but then seized up
I’m rebar in concrete
old silver fillings
rigid, rusting
and hampered
by a fear of pain
these scribbles of a staid teetotaler reflect
“Today I brushed my teeth
and lost a crown,” I write
but there are many things
in my mouth
that will never come out.
Jon Bennett writes and plays music in San Francisco. You can find more of his work here and here. A collection of his poetry is available through Amazon at Leisure Town.
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