Pillow Talk
My boyfriend hands me some necessary med.
I think I’m quite sick. I’ve got a bad flu
that’s warping my thinking, that fucks w/ my head,
a sickness that makes me wish, I were dead.
An illness can plant such an idea inside you.
My boyfriend hands me some necessary med:
a plain pink pill; a capsule half yellow, half-red;
and one other one, two distinct shades of blue.
“That’s warping my thinking. That fucks with my head,”
I tell him. I’m pretty sure that’s what I said.
He holds out the glass. I know what to do.
My boyfriend hands me some necessary med
then patiently sits on the side of my bed
as I pop the four pills then drink up. My temp is 102.
That’s warping my thinking, that fucks w/ my head.
There’s a stain on the pillowcase where I’ve bled
‘though I’m less sure what’s caused this bad bruise.
My boyfriend hands me some necessary med
that’s warping my thinking. It fucks w/ my head.
Drew Pisarra is the author of two poetry collections, Periodic Boyfriends (2023) and Infinity Standing Up (2019); two short story collections,You're Pretty Gay (2021) and Publick Spanking (1996); and two radio plays, Price in Purgatory (2023) and The Strange Case of Nick M. (2021).
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